Category: New World Order Elites UK

Has WordPress Betrayed It’s Bloggers? Too Many “WTF” Censorship Moments

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter and Photonic Portal 2037, All Rights Reserved. Re-posting of this essay is disallowed. Link-backs only.

Author’s Notes:

The post began as a routine report. I had heard a local conservative radio host comment that nearly 20% of Americans are now on food stamps. The number seemed absurd so I looked it up when I got home. I just happened to catch a chart in a YT video which showed the escalating numbers of food stamp recipients. I intended to post it. I checked other fact sheets and articles and saw that 20% of America, not 14% is actually currently on food stamps. This fact flies in the face of Big Media spin which is telling us about the “economic recovery.” I intended to post that as well. But the story suddenly took a bizarre turn when I tried to do a very routine thing on WordPress – to set up a new post category. It’s something I do dozens of times a week. Very routine.

As I was typing the phrase “2011 Food Stamp Statistics” into the text pane for new parent categories, something happened which IS NOT supposed to be possible on WordPress, especially when you own the domain you are posting to. A red box appeared with the phrase: “You do not have permission to do that.”

I actually thought it was some sort of joke, like a belated April Fool’s spoof, going on on WordPress. I tried to type but nothing would enter the pane. I refreshed the page – twice. When the red text box refused to disappear I grabbed a screen shot of it and this very routine post, suddenly became all about censorship, much more than it was about how many people are now living on food stamps.

I finished the post, told what happened, inserted the screen shot and posted it. It immediately disappeared after I posted it, although six altered versions had been held in draft form. They all disappeared. I began re-creating the post from scratch. I posted the re-creation and it held. I placed it on the front page. Later that same evening I put another front page up. When I logged on this am, the page version of what I had done had disappeared from my list of pages. I re-created the page version again, re-told the expanding story, and now it will remain on my main blog’s front page, along with this front page, until further notice. What’s taking place is dreadful.

There are only two options here:

1) The good men and women behind WordPress have no control of when the NSA goons seize control of their platform and do what they will with it,


2) WordPress has on their staff, employees in freelance, who, unknown to WordPress, are working for the FED in some capacity to try to intimidate people like me on WP, and there are thousands of us.

I had planned on eventually spending thousands of dollars to support WordPress and keep all my news blogs hosted on their platform. That won’t happen now. I do not think that WP will ever admit what is, or what has happened, but this blogging platform is being surveilled. The minute someone somewhere tried to tell me “You do not have permission to do that” on my own news blog, the truth telling and the entire story changed.

At some point soon I will be vacating this platform, but not before I expose each and every incident where my own free speech as a reporter is suppressed [ or attempted to be suppressed ] from behind the scenes. So this page will also now remain up until further notice as the front page for Photonic Portal 20137. I know it’s not “photonic” in nature, but it IS pertinent. Here’s the story that inspired the goofy red box text, with a screen shot of the actual censosrhip effort. Can we say “epic fail?”

Chase Kyla Hunter 7.13.2011


Copyright 2011-3011 Chase Kyla Hunter & Alternative News Report, All Rights Reserved. Re-posts are permitted leaving all essay content, author’s name, original link location and copyright stamp intact only.

Preface: This page was first posted on 7.12.2011. It disappeared right after I first posted it on 7.12.2011 and it disappeared again on 7.13.2011. So I just re-posted it for a second time. Someone somewhere is attempting to censor free speech in America that dissents from any official information coming from the White House. This fact should be noted as one of the Top Ten Signs of Emerging Fascism. I want to thank readers for being here, and for caring enough to tell others about my work and for sharing the information they find on this blog. Please help me to continue to remain online. I need to vacate the heavily surveilled WP blogging platform asap. I need your financial support to do that. Browse the store or make a donation. Each time this post is removed I will re-post it. It will remain on the front page of this blog through Labor Day. I intend to make my point. Trying to silence factual dissenting speech in America will only make that speech grow louder.  I intend to keep researching, writing and speaking the truth to Americans, who are my friends, my family, my beloved countrymen, my neighbors. Thank you again for taking the time to read and share what you find on Alternative News Report.

Chase Kyla Hunter


“Today SNAP released the most recent food stamp numbers. Not surprisingly, we just saw another all time high 44.2 million poverty-level Americans relying on government funding for day to day sustenance. Granted the number appears to be plateauing, so all those who bought the change if not the ‘hype’, can rejoice as it may start declining next month: a development that is sure to be herald for Obama a 4th Putin-esque term.”


On 7.12.2011 I wrote:

There are approximately 300 million people in America in 2011. Between 44.2 and 47 million of them are now on food stamps. Did you know this? My first post on this topic from 15 minutes ago, disappeared into thin air when I tried to post it online.

I need to correct the erroneous percentages I see being bantered around in the media. It is NOT 14% of Americans who are now on food stamps. It is 20%.

Here is the bizarre little note that popped up in the WP dashboard when I tried to add the category “2011 Food Stamp Statistics” to my list of post categories:

WordPress is now being actively surveilled / monitored.  Someone somewhere [ I suspect the NSA ]  is trying to censor what is being posted if it’s deemed detrimental to the 2012 Obama re-election campaign. This is my second try. Here goes:

More on this topic, and what just happened, later. Please help me out and see to it that this post flies around the world. It’s not that the statistics are that dire. Americans who have eyes and a pulse know that what we are living through is NOT just a recession. It’s a depression. It’s the issue of being censored for trying to publish an article about it. That’s one of the top ten signs of emerging fascism: media and free speech censorship. Make sure that this post, with the screen shot I just grabbed, showing the telltale surveillance, and the attempt to intimidate me into NOT posting, gets into every email inbox in America. We are losing our free internet. And we are going to have to fight like hell to keep it.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Tags: 2011 food stamp statistics, internet free speech, top ten signs of fascism, web surveillance, NSA, WordPress blogging platform surveilled by FED

More Rage Against the Machine in the UK: Students Riot Over Tuition Hikes, Attack Prince Charles Motorcade

12.09.2010 Youtube and web re-posts by CK Hunter


Blacklisted news report – share it.

Tags: student riots london 2010, december student riots uk, parliament triples college tuition in uk, uk student riots, london student riots december 2010

The Tea Party Movement Gains Traction in the UK

11.29.2010 Re-post by CK Hunter



The Tea Party Movement Gains Traction in the U.K.

by Greg Palkot | November 26, 2010

Faces of the Tea Party Movement 12

We the people: by theqspeaks via Flickr

LONDON — The Tea Party movement’s recent electoral gains have gotten international attention, including in the mother country whose taxes inspired the first Tea Party — the United Kingdom.

A new rebellion against big government and high taxes is resonating in Ye Olde England.

“Ideas around limited government, absolutely, there’s lots of people in Britain who share those as well.” says Matthew Sinclair of the Taxpayers’ Alliance. The group — formed in 2004, naturally calling for lower taxes — is one of the largest in Britain with a Tea Party slant. It boasts some 60,000 supporters.

The group organized workshops this past fall with FreedomWorks and other American Tea Party support groups. “We’re always trying to learn how to campaign better. We’re always trying to learn if there are policy initiatives in the states which have succeeded,” Sinclair explains.

Like the Tea Party in the U.S., there are many groups here vying for the label. From one strictly aimed at domestic politics, to another upset about tax money going to the European Union, and yet another nationalistic group upset about immigration

Daniel Finkelstein is the Executive Editor for the Times of London. “I think you may see in Britain what you’ve seen in the United States, which is a bit of a rebellion against the central party establishment that’s fueled, to an extent, by issues.”

With no real primary system, it’s harder for U.K. Tea Partiers to storm the political barricades, but that hasn’t held back Tory Member of Parliament Robert Halfon who has views of past Tea Party heroes around his home, like pictures of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and a Ronald Reagan watch on his wrist. A current favorite on his website is American Tea Party heroine Sarah Palin.

Halfon does admit the deficit-reducing cuts of the current Conservative government of Prime Minister David Cameron has stolen some of the British Tea Party’s thunder, but knows the movement has legs.

“There’s always more we can do, and we need to keep up the pressure,” he says.

Tea Party advocates here admit some of the more “colorful” aspects of the American movement might not translate too well in staid England. Still, even without any “mama grizzlies,” they say they can still leave their mark.

UK Financial Times World Weekly Podcast: North Korea, China’s Response, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, EU

Podcast repost 11.26.10 By CK Hunter


Browse all recent UK Financial Times Podcasts here.

Europeans Strive to Calm Nerves in Financial Markets

Will Ireland Default? Ask Belgium

Tags: north korea attacks south, south korea, north korea, china, chinese prime minister, kim jong il, succession of power in north korea, 6 party talks china korea,  ireland bank bailout, dublin, spain financial crisis, portugal, EU, euro, european union,

BOMBSHELL Video Evidence of Secret Illuminati Corporation More Wealthy Than the Combined Wealth of All Nations on Earth

Gold bullion 2

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2010-3010 CK Hunter All Rights Reserved. Re-posts permitted leaving post and links intact.

Each day I examine dozens of articles, posts, essays, videos and the like doing what I do. Once or twice a year something, by the sheer grace of God, manages to squeak through and ends up on the internet where John and Jane Doe can see for themselves that things are not at all as they seem, either here in the USA, or overseas in Great Britain.

The extraordinary video you are about to see really needs little explanation if you have eyes to see and ears to actually hear what is being said. The first gentleman giving his report to Parliament is Lord James of Blackheath. This video was recorded on November 1st. [Here’s a link to his voting record.]

The second gentleman, during the course of making an effort to try to present what he knew to Parliament, without divulging who and what “foundation X” was, or is, practically choked on his words in anxiety and fear.

You can’t make this stuff up folks. And grown men cannot “fake” being this afraid and gravely concerned for the future of both the UK and for the United States. We are apparently literally months away from some sort of global financial chain reaction collapse, a worldwide “domino effect” that may make September 2008 look like a dismal dress rehearsal.

The Vatican is mentioned at one point, and it is revealed that their gold bullion holdings exceed all the gold bullion holdings of all the governments of the world. Did you know this? I certainly did not.

For those who insist that the “Illuminati” is a myth, an internet urban legend, or just a whacked out conspiracy theory, I present this video. Only someone who has a pathological need to avoid the truth at all costs would refute the eye witness accounts of these two British Parliamentarians, who obviously knew much more than they felt comfortable in disclosing.

CK Hunter

Another BOMBSHELL video that I located in 2009 provides hard evidence that new world order elites have been building sophisticated underground tunnels for their own survival should a manmade or natural disaster, such as a pole shift, make life on the surface of the earth unbearable: