Category: American Blogosphere

Share the Love, We Need It.

A fabulous collection of photos which has been circulating the internet arrived in my in-box today and I wanted to share them. Spread the love and send them on!






































You Say You Want A Revolution? The Beatles, Live Performance

Copyright 2011-3011 By CK Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

“Revolution” by the Beatles, Lyrics:

Send “Revolution” Ringtone to your Cell

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don’t you know that you can count me out
Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right
all right, all right

You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We’d all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We’re doing what we can
But when you want money
for people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait
Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right
all right, all right

ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

You say you’ll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it’s the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right
all right, all right
all right, all right, all right
all right, all right, all right

Donald Rumsfeld’s Problematic Memoir: WMD “Lost and Found” Question Still at Large

rumsfeld [unknown unknowns]

Donald Rumsfeld

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

Author’s note: As much as Julian Assange may be reviled by those in high political places, his exposed Wikileaks diplomatic cables reveal something that causes more rewriting [again] of what we thought we knew to be true about the Iraq war. Numerous links are posted on these pages:

These two posts purport that [ after everything, including ruined careers aplenty ] there was, in fact, WMD located in Iraq before the war, and that Russia removed part of it and the US removed other parts.  The operative dilemma is what constitutes the actual definition of “WMD.” I am taking the position in the essay below that nuclear weapons of mass destruction is the defined term. Only the hidden files of the American Military Industrial complex contain the actual truth on the matter. Whatever was located by Russian and US forces, confiscated, squirreled away for future uses, we may never know.

So I am posting this note to let readers know there is still controversy over what was found, who found it, where it is, and how it may be used in the future.

I had written the essay below before I located the information above. I have now been exposed to so much contradictory information about “Iraqi WMD” that I don’t really know what to believe. But such is the reality of trying to report as a citizen journalist in the current American milleau of media spin, left wing disinformation, right wing counter-disinformation and all the rest.

It is truly maddening. I wanted to post the link to the information above, but I cannot verify it. Most of it comes from one blog, so buyer beware. Here’s an excerpt:

‘The release by Julian Assange’s web site Wikileaks of classified documents reveals that U.S. military intelligence discovered chemical weapons labs, encountered insurgents who were specialists in the creation of toxins, and uncovered weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. However, Washington, DC officials and the news media have ignored this information.

One of the WikiLeaks document dumps reveals that as late as 2008, American troops continued to find WMD in the region.

There are numerous mentions of chemical and biological weapons in the WikiLeaks documents, however the U.S. media appear only interested in those portions of the leaked material that highlight actions that are viewed as embarrassing for the U.S. military such as the accusation that U.S. commanders were aware of abuse and “torture” of prisoners by Iraqi soldiers and police officers.

The U.S. Defense Department continues to demand that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange immediately return the stolen military documents in his possession, including recent documents that created another stir when published, according to Elaine Wilson of American Forces Press Service.

The department also wants the whistle-blowing web site to permanently delete all versions of these documents, which contain classified and sensitive information, from its web site, computers and records, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell told reporters during a Pentagon briefing.

WikiLeaks documents don’t reveal evidence of a massive weapons program by Saddam Hussein — the Bush administration’s leading rationale for invading Iraq — or some enormous stockpile of WMD, but do reveal that chemical weapons did vanish from the Iraqi battlefield.

According to the latest WikiLeaks document “dump,” Saddam’s toxic arsenal, significantly reduced after the Gulf War, remained intact. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict and may have brewed up their own deadly agents, according to the WikiLeaks web site.

During that time, former Iraqi General Georges Sada, Saddam’s top commander, detailed the transfers of Iraq’s WMD. “There [were] weapons of mass destruction gone out from Iraq to Syria, and they must be found and returned to safe hands,” Mr. Sada said. “I am confident they were taken over.”

Gen. Sada’s comments came just a month after Israel’s top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, claimed that Saddam Hussein “transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria.”

In 2004, for example, American special forces members secretly purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard which have been used since World War I. Following testing in a military lab, the chemical was then secured and transferred to a secret location.’

[end excerpt]

Chase Kyla Hunter 02.04.2011

Below is my original essay from yesterday:

I always knew that the only man more arrogant than Dick Cheney in the George W. Bush White House was Donald Rumsfeld.I had grown tired of watching geriatric old white men try to run the country at least 20 years earlier when George’s father was in the White House, running up the national debt to near crisis levels back then. It took Ross Perot to remind us all about that, with his charts and graphs and funny ears.Then came the high IQ southern rooster, Bill Clinton, another Bilderberg man all the way, brainy, but a poor excuse for a national leader on moral, marital and ethical terms.Clinton played the saxophone on late night TV to get the youth vote. He was a flagrant womanizer, and no amount of public relations media sheen would be able to eventually obfuscate that fact. His wife seemed to be a lot smarter than he was, but she had chronic “bad hair” and Americans took deep umbrage at her crack about “not staying home and making cookies” during Bill’s presidency. Hillary too, seemed doomed by her behaviors and commentary to become a tolerated political thorn in the nation’s side.

By the time we got to George Junior, via his crooked relatives in Florida and his old boy’s club cronies who sat on the Supreme Court, I was already so disgusted with the sad sorry affair of what we are offered as an excuse for presidential leadership in this country, that I was mostly tuning it all out. I was historically apolitical, found it all distasteful and routinely dishonest and for the most part could have cared less. I watched sadly as Al Gore went home and accepted the fact that his election night win and his presidency had been stolen from him.

The popular vote was turning out to be irrelevant after all, just like intelligent political observers had noted many years earlier.

I continued to assume that the national electoral college was honest and ethical for the most part, because I hated considering the alternative.

But it was a hard pill to swallow, seeing it all play out on national TV right before our eyes. Looking back I know now it had nothing to do with “hanging chads in Florida.” America was still in denial back then I suppose. We really did not want to believe that it was who you knew, who you paid off, who your daddy knew, and most importantly, what the Bilderbergers wanted, that dictated who would run the country.

In 2000 many of us still thought our voices mattered and our presidential votes counted. We were naive and we just didn’t know better.

Right after George Junior took office he began to plan the Iraq war. As Michael Moore noted in “Fahrenheit 9-11” the younger Bush enjoyed golf, and he played frequently. He was playing lots and lots of golf in the weeks and months right before 9-11 took place. He took fishing trips. He played cowboy on his Texas ranch.

Then came 9-11 and the shock and grief of a nation stunned by an act of evil so monstrous we could barely comprehend it. Every American alive right now who was an adult when 9-11 occurred will always recall where they were and what they were doing when the event took place. It was an obelisk driven into the ground of our collective memory, a moment in time which marked the end of our political innocence and the beginning of our descent into the incomprehensible.

A lone lady FBI agent working in a field office in the northern Midwest had seen this coming. She had warned her superiors about the probability and likelihood of a terrorist attack involving jihadists who would use American jetliners to fly into buildings. Her repeated field reports were disregarded. She was ignored. The attack took place. The Bilderberg plan proceeded.

Not knowing the horrendous back end of the event at the time, after 9-11 a furious and desperate patriotism in America foamed at a fever pitch I had never witnessed before.

Everywhere people who were usually politically aloof now flew American flags: on their car radio antennas, on their front porches, on t-shirts and jewelry, on houseboats, at rodeos, in shabby trailer parks and even in graffiti washed inner city ghettos. We had been told that Osama Bin Laden was the culprit, the mastermind of this attack, and we all wanted his head on a platter.

Tell me, have you heard anyone in the press even mention Bin Laden’s name in the past few years? More oddly: have you ever heard Barack Obama mention the name “Osama Bin Laden?”

The CIA knows all about the hidden truth on the Bin Laden story. They are holding the master dossier. And unless we burn them out with ever more scalding truth reports that “out” more of their horrendous secrets from the deep rabbit-hole of hidden black ops, they will never reveal what they know.

By late 2001, post 9-11, western style wanted posters of Bin Laden were appearing on hundreds of websites. Open plans for the war on Iraq were discussed and debated on Big Media news outlets.

We were being told again and again about Saddam Hussein and his colossal stash of “weapons of mass destruction.” We all became familiar with the term “WMD.”

One of our favorite American sons at the time, Colin Powell, who was a trusted political figure before the Iraq war, went before the UN and made his case for war. In spite of the dissent and debate which roared over it, the decision had been made in secret, years prior, without our knowledge, without our consent, as usual. The decision had most likely been made before George junior was artificially appointed President, in hidden halls of power that Alex Jones has now made very familiar to everyone with his ranting mega horn blaring, screaming patriotic platitudes at the passing black limousines that swoosh by as they enter some secret destination somewhere for the annual Halloween Witches and Warlocks political carnival that is commonly referred to as the “Annual Secret Bilderberg Meeting.”

We were going to war in Iraq, all costs and consequences be damned.

I distinctly recall those heady moments for Donald Rumsfeld during the early opening moments of theIraq war, during the “shock and awe” phase, when he would strut into the daily national White House press conference and hold court before bewildered and submissive reporters who were trying to understand what was really taking place.

Rumsfeld glowed. He conducted himself like the happiest man in the universe. By God he was at last having his war his way, the war which had been planned for so long, the war which was on the Bilderberg blueprint for America far in advance of 9-11. And now by God he was in charge of it all, having a grand time appearing daily before American TV cameras as the public relations centerpiece of the whole operation. Rumsfeld would strut into those press conferences during the first 90 days of “shock and awe” like the President himself. He could not have been more proud of what was taking place.

It was all enough to make one lose the contents of their stomach, just observing what could only be described as Rumsfeld’s “military glee” with the deluge of death that we were raining down on Baghdad. The media bought the whole thing lock stock and barrel. That was the directive which had been given: “support the war effort, and constrain any dissent.”

Rumsfeld would be questioned with hushed tones of reverence and respect back then, young reporters perspiring to choose their words just right so as not to offend the great military warrior king who was in charge of ridding the world of Iraq’s dreaded “weapons of mass destruction.” For a fleeting moment in American history, Donald Rumsfeld was the most important man in America. Invigorated by all the press and attention, his step had a little extra spring in it when he walked toward the podium to address the press about the progress of our military machine as it pummeled Baghdad.

What a different story history will finally write. Americans are not nearly as uninformed as they were ten years ago about who and what really runs the country and what they have done.

The scripted Rumsfeld daily press conference which played out for about two years described above began to dissipate into national agony and outrage, as we all finally learned the terrible truth. There was no WMD stash hidden in Iraq that our soldiers could locate anywhere. Once again, the inconceivable was being delivered to us via those hated Big Media news heads that strained credulity to the breaking point. It became the most world famous “WTF moment” in modern times.

We had gone to war over a CIA intelligence “mythology,” a fabrication which had been passed along via double-speaking double agents in the Mideast, like an old oral tradition, the original story changing and getting worse with each retelling, until the final version we heard on American Big Media newscasts bore no resemblance whatsoever to the original lie. It was now twenty times worse instead.

Do you suppose Donald Rumsfeld secretly knew the truth all along? Do you suppose that the ruined credibility and dashed career of Colin Powell could have been averted? Or was Powell in on the “WMD terrible truth”  too?

Knowing what I now know about just how dark and sinister our American industrial military complex really is, I don’t know who or what to believe and I trust no history book any longer. I trust no written accounts of any person who worked in any political or media outlet administration, as almost every book written in this nation has some hidden ax to grind, some motive to advance, or some specific agenda to sell to the people.

So, sad and pathetic as it is, and now nearly seven years late, the aging and greatly discredited Donald Rumsfeld is apparently attempting to clear his conscience and buy back a small morsel of his perceived place in history and his need for Americans’ respect by admitting in his new autobiography what we all well know, and have known for years: the three dreadful words that any American male in political public life almost never utters out of the sheer enormity of his ego: “I was wrong.”

Rumsfeld is finally admitting that he was wrong about Iraq having WMD. Why should we care at this point? It seems so irrelevant now. I think about the thousands of good American men and women who have been killed, maimed, and the tens of thousands of children in America who will grow up without their mothers and fathers who died in the Iraq war. These families deserve better than Rumsfeld’s lame ass seven years late admission. His book only makes me more furious about the mountain of lies we have all been told.

Once upon a time in the old American west the lynch mob took care of rotten-to-the-core men like Donald Rumsfeld who lusted for power and tried to rule young western American outposts crookedly by the “might is right” plan. But now, one hundred and fifty years later, we let our national disgraces retire to their ranches, their golf courses, their lobster, their banquet halls.  We are politically correct to our eventual ruin.

Had Rumsfeld admitted what he REALLY knew seven years ago, would it have made any difference? How long must the American people be forced to put up with such screaming hubris, sheer wickedness, corruption and incompetence in our political leaders?

How many more people have to die in these NWO pre-planned and pre-packaged wars, designed by and for the gain of the Bilderberg ruling elites at the top of the Illuminati pyramid before we finally get some intelligent independent leadership in the White House, that’s not owned by the UN / CFR mandate?

Beginning just a few months back, at the end of 2010, the opinion and commentary of the CFR is now openly broadcast on NBC Evening News, on radio newscasts and in the press, with little public outcry. The brainwashing of the unawakened American sheeple is just about complete. As events line up for World War III they will march more tens of thousands of US soldiers to their graves for the profit of the Illuminati clan at the top of the Freemason pyramid, unless the American people say “No more. We will not fight your Illuminati ‘designer wars’ any longer.”

When will the White House be returned to the American people and wrested from the Bilderberg usurpers who have ruined our country, escalated our national debt into the stratosphere, and lied to generations of Americans like me until I now have come to the culminating moment when I trust no man, no book, no news report, no talking head, and no current world event?

I now know EXACTLY how the character “Truman” in the film “The Truman Show” felt as he sailed his little boat to the edge of his fake make-believe world, and crashed it into the “edge of the sky” where the dome’s floor met the sea line. I know exactly how he felt as he groped his way along the seam, looking for an exit, trying to find the door.

I want OUT of this psychotic “orchestrated American reality show” that we have all been forced to live in for 50 years or more, with most world events that we thought were the result of natural processes instead having been the product of hidden Bilderberg, CFR, CIA, NSA, and other machinating elitist orgs behind the scenes, pulling strings while pushing their cover stories down our throats. Modern television “programming” was basically invented to placate, distract and inebriate the national psyche while international actuality was pre-planned for us months and years in advance from behind the scenes. Where does it end?

When will we have a President that is not a CIA bred Manchurian, who does not exist simply to carry out the Bilderberg, CFR and UN mandate, existing more or less as a “public relations hood ornament” to the globalist agenda of the ruling elites?

At this point most Americans would be happy with any man or woman of any race or combination of races who has the sheer courage to stand up and face the ruling elites, decline their directives, run the country without them, and manage the cunning to stay alive and not be assassinated in so doing. John F. Kennedy was trying to “go public” about numerous hidden directives from the elites which he refused to comply with when he was assassinated. It’s not hard to do the math on that.

It’s time to pour some cleansing Red Devil Lye down that CIA black ops rabbit-hole. It’s time to put an end to the Bilderberg group. God will show us how He wants this done. I maintain that there is a Divine Intervention afoot in this nation, and I believe devoutly that the Holy Spirit will lead the American people and show them how to proceed. How NOT to proceed is what we are all watching play out in Egypt. That is the typical testosterone solution and it will never be the answer.

It’s past time to put a woman in the White House. It’s twenty years past time. Nothing is more feared on the planet than the righteous fury of a spiritually empowered woman who walks with the Holy Spirit and knows what she has to do. Nothing is more formidable than a woman in political power who walks with God, and inwardly knows it. If she walks with God, she won’t have to tell the nation. The nation will know. The Holy Spirit will make sure of it.

Is she out there? Is she ready? Is she fully prepared for the hatred and rage will rise up against a woman President in this misogynist male dominated nation of bumbling fumbling aging fools who have now careened our country to the precipice of absolute financial and moral abyss? Is she ready to face all the NYC elitist patriarchal women of power, women who have become “female men,” women like Katie Couric, who will riddle her with queries designed to give her the educational and foreign policy litmus test that Sarah Palin so publicly failed?

The calculated and fomented “hatred of Sarah Palin” that is part of the current directive for Big Media to deploy between now and 2012 has just about guaranteed that would-be supporters and voters will be just as hated as she is by the left. I experience this every time I open my mouth and say anything in support of Sarah Palin.

But the divine equation stands: the more a woman in politics is hated and despised by the ruinous far left, the more likely she is to lead the nation in the spiritual, moral and financial right direction. Rumsfeld needs to take his “talking points” memoir, go home to his ranch, and never return to public life. His day in the Bilderberg sun is over. It’s time to prepare for REAL hope and change. It’s time to put an independent politically free, [ not a bought and paid for Muslim CIA Manchurian fraud ], into the White House, and it’s time to return the White House to her people.

Where the men have failed, I believe the right woman, with the right wisdom, and the right comprehension of the task at hand, and the right determination and courage, can and will do this during her presidency, supported by the majority in this country who want out from under the UN’s thumb. I am waiting for her to step forward. I am waiting to see if she really has what it takes. If you are out there, will you please step forward? It’s time.

Chase Kyla Hunter

This essay was picked up and re-posted by the 2.4.11 release of The Blogs Daily on Twitter.

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Historic New “Portrait of the Universe” Made By the Largest Digital Camera on Earth

Artist's conception of the Milky Way galaxy.

Artist's Rendition of Our Milky Way Galaxy

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

I’ve been fascinated with the starry night sky and the fundamental nature of the universe for as long as I can remember. As an eight year girl, I laid on my back at night in the warm North Carolina summers, t-shirt wet with evening dew, staring up into the sparkling  spray of the center of the Milky Way galaxy in hushed awe for hours. Something about that view always made me inexplicably homesick, as if this place called “earth” where I was living, trapped in a little girl’s body, only with the mind of an eight year old to tell me what was true or false, was just a bus station for me, a waiting room,  a depot somewhere in time and space, and I was just passing through.

How I could have felt this way as I child I will never understand. I suppose I was one of the first “indigo children” born into the earlier generation of baby boomers, that predated the term and the concept by a good head start of about thirty years. But as a kid, I could not stop staring at the night sky. How I ended up NOT becoming an astronomer is odd, frankly.

We now have a history making opportunity, through the gift of advanced technology, to learn more about the vast universe in which we live than at any time in human history. Will humankind cease arguing, fighting, wrestling over trivialities long enough to stare up into the night sky as a species and realize the miraculous nature of our very existence? It seems to me that the mere sight of this new cosmic photograph, this portrait of time and space, revealing mind stretching immensity of our present universe, should teach us that we are each one some precious parcel, uniquely designed and stamped with fingerprints and footprints that make every one of us an absolute original work of art, no two alike, genetics for each and everyone utterly differentiated and sublime in their own way.

It has taken ages for human civilization to come to this point. When you look at the new cosmic portrait of our universe, you are looking at thousands of years of human history now culminated in the manufacture of these dazzling digital cameras which can take a composite photograph comparable to a grain of sand on a beach here on earth taking a picture of the regions far beyond the known boundaries of our Milky Way galaxy. We are living in precious, history making days here on this world. My prayer for humankind is that we can all stop shouting long enough to hear the heartbeat of the universe calling, beckoning us to step out of species babyhood and into cosmic adulthood in time to avert our own self inflicted demise.

I often get the feeling, gazing up into the never-ending stream of stars and planets, that not every species “makes it” in the end. Just because we are here now, does not infer that we will be here 10,000 years from now. We know that countless species of plant and animal life which has evolved here on earth in the last 500 million years is no longer with us. Thousands of species are gone forever. Doesn’t that fact, in and of itself, teach us that unless we attend to our progress as a species with much more love and critical care, we too might not be here one day in the far distant future? Species survival may be predicated on more farseeing intelligence than the human species has displayed to date.

At the rate at which we are killing one another in religious wars [ a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron, note the word has “moron” in the back end of it ] the rate at which we are becoming more alienated than ever from our fellow man in the popular “us versus them” “red versus blue” and “left verses right” media wars, it would appear that global unity consciousness is still far far away from us, like those sparkling threads of stars and planets which whirl above our heads, thousands of light years away.

I do wonder: Will humankind learn the primary lesson of Jesus of Nazareth‘s message in time to save ourselves: “Love one another.”

Chase Kyla Hunter





The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Massive Spectroscopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, Our Milky Way Galaxy, and Extrasolar Planetary Systems

A description from the SDSS website reads:

“Building on the legacy of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and SDSS-II, the SDSS-III Collaboration is carrying out a program of four surveys to map the structure and dynamics of the Milky Way, to find and characterize extrasolar planetary systems, and to understand dark energy and the nature of the universe.”

FYI: Democrats Also Have A Political “Target” Map: Hypocrisy Revealed

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter

Tags: DNC political target bullseye map, Sarah Palin Tea Party crosshairs map, politics, political slang, political semantics, arizona shooting, gabrielle gifford

Oh what a difference a few minutes of good internet research could have made yesterday to prohibit even further shredding of the reputation and credibility of the Democratic party’s far left wing ringside circus of hyprocrisy and laughably poor journalism. In fact, yesterday’s NWO “feast of lies” which spewed across the web, as over-reacting, ill-informed Big media portals jumped on the bandwagon to attack Sarah Palin‘s political target map, would not have taken place at all had more people known that the DNC has their own “target map” for political strategy.

As long as I can remember, in my 55 good years, politicians have ALWAYS used words like “target” “attack” “pinpoint” “crosshairs”  “shot him down” and so forth in their day to day vernacular, and have used a variety of other colorful slang terms and phrases as well, to describe the process of trying to get elected and stay in office. here are just a few of those phrases:

slinging mud

threw him /her under the bus

stomped on the reputation of

shredded the opponent’s argument

fired back at his / her opponnent

attack ads [ TV ]

fired away at her / his opponent

such and such was under fire today for

[ I could go on and on ]

Barack Obama to an audience in a recent speech: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we’ll bring a gun.”

The common day to day slang and typical “election year” vernacular of popular politics contains some graphic slang phrases and it always has, going as far back as the first presidential election ever held, I’m quite sure. It is a weak, puerile, and very desperate argument on the part of liberal TV pundits and left wing polticians to attempt to associate Sarah Palin’s rhetoric or her use of graphics as some inference that her language is in any way more violent than that which Nixon used, or Bush supporters, or the Clintons, or any other American politician at any time in US history. All it really reveals is the moral bankruptcy of the left wing of the DNC, the absolute desperation of left wing fake news outlets like MSNBC to get some sort of new angle they can use to try to tear down Sarah Palin and put a stop to her ascendancy as one of the most popular new faces in American politics.

Only someone with the mentality and education of a grade schooler would try to portray Sarah Palin’s use of crosshairs in a political conquest map as some sort of veiled insinuation that violence is being advocated. Check your political history books, check your pulse, your IQ monitor and your ability to think clearly and reason like grown men and women please: tha’ts my message to the left wing big media outlets who now have a healthy helping of egg on their faces all around.

Here they are:

1st image: Sarah Palin’s political strategy “crosshairs target” map,

2nd image DNC “bulls-eye” Target map: