Category: Stanley Kubrick 1969 Moon Set Mysteries

Was The Televised Moon Landing That Americans Watched in 1969 ‘Faked’? What Did Stanley Kubrick Know?

2001's Discovery miniature

A miniature from the making of "2001 Space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick

Stanley Kubrick

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I’ve been fascinated with the films of Stanley Kubrick since I was a child. When I saw 2001 Space Odyssey in the movie theatre as a young teen I was hooked forever on Kubrick’s work.I have followed his career all my life, and was grieved to learn that he had died right after makingEyes Wide Shut [ 1999 ], so I have Googled Kubrick from time to time. What I have located has interested me, so I have followed the trail.

One might wonder what a deceased filmmaker has to do with America’s July 20th 1969 historic moon landing. According to many conspiracy theorists, quite a bit, more than you would ever dream. It’s almost impossible to run a search on Stanley Kubrick on Youtube without running into a deep and intricate vein of videos alleging that Kubrick was approached to assist the US government in creating a “motion picture styled” fake moon landing for Americans and the world to watch, while the 50 billion in designated funds for the US space program went into a whole different top secret NASA space program instead. Could this actually be true?

I’m not making any statements one way or another, and I have not decided what I believe, but I wanted to share with readers what I have gathered to date on this topic. This post / page will be updated as I gather more evidence and material. I’d like to add that I have always had one overwhelming question when looking at old Apollo film footage again and again. Where are all the stars?

Numerous fascinating videos explore this topic from all sides:

Excerpts from “Dark Side of the Moon” By William Karel:

Cited:  “Dark Side of the Moon is a French mockumentary by director William Karel which originally aired on Arte in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick. It features some surprising guest appearances, most notably by Donald Rumsfeld, Dr. Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig, Buzz Aldrin and Stanley Kubrick’s widow, Christiane Kubrick.”

This next video clip was banned in the USA but is still available on certain YT channels:

More interesting videos that I have found:

In this next clip the manner in which this fallen astronaut gets back on his feet literally defies the laws of physics…. unless his hidden wires and pulleys were pulled taut enough from above to lift him up off the ground with very little effort on his part. Something just doesn’t look right about the way he gets up in this clip. [ Oh, and once again … where are all the STARS? ]

Watch how this astronaut gets up after a fall as well. Something just doesn’t look right.

I was a professional photographer and ad agency art director for more than 30 years before I retired. I was also a Photoshop expert technician for more than 15 years. What is revealed by this British documentary author in the video below, is just inexcusable stupidity, fakery, forgery and sloppiness, Either NASA is, in fact, now mocking the world in their glossy full color publications, or they have the most brain dead art directors on the planet at the helm, supervising the publication of lunar photography. This is REALLY hard to explain away. Have a look:

The gravity on the lunar surface is only 1/6th of that on earth. Any object tossed with vigor should, therefore, fly six times as far, even more so in that it would be unencumbered by air drag due to the vaccum on the lunar surface. However, in this clip below, the small objects being tossed by these astronauts behave just exactly as they would if they were tossed in the gravity and atmospheric drag on earth. Why?

Read also: Stanley Kubrick Exposed Illuminati Secrets Before He Died

If readers would like to see more of this research posted, sound off in comments and let me know. I have much more video that I can post.