Category: Swine Flu Hoax

500000 Polyguard Coffins

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

In 2009 I published a considerable amount of information regarding the CIA‘s swine flu hoax. This page was renamed and relocated, but here is the long list of posts, articles and essays I have written to date regarding swine flu:

I Believe in Divine Intervention. Here’s A Great Example of Why:

About 2 or 3 weeks after I first published this essay, which quickly went viral, thousands of other Truth Researchers poured their own independent research videos and reports onto the web, creating a TRUTH TSUNAMI to offset the blatant scare tactics, and false reports of an impending pandemic that were pouting out of the CDC at the time. All around the world the truth began to be known about the CIA Lab Created Swine Flu Artifical Pandemic. Youtube videos poured online from astute truthers who had also figured it out.

What was it all about? Two things:

1: Frantic efforts by the UN, WHO, and CDC to enact their own version of population control the world over

2:  With the dream of global martial law dancing in the elite’s heads, they set out to create the ultimate media created frenzy of worldwide panic – manufacturing fear, dread and loathing into the general population by using the world media (NWO owned) to scare the hell out of the average Joe, in order to coerce him (or her) to get a swine flu shot.

Only God knows what was really in those shots. When doctors, nurses, scientists and scores of politicians refused to take the shots, over the next few months a magical thing happened. The swine flu dried up and, for the most part, went away:  yes there were swine flu cases, but nothing even close to the predicted world pandemic, no mass deaths, no need to use the stacks of a half million FEMA coffins that the CDC had purchase well in advance of the swine flu even appearing, just one more fishy little fact. Can you imagine how upset the elites are that their pandemic has not materialized, that they have no excuses to roll the tanks through American streets under martial law, and haul us all away to FEMA camps, bruised fists still clutching protest signs.

What’s that sound? It’s the sound of the hidden world elites groaning, grinding their teeth and gnashing their vitriol at one another over whose fault it is that their pandemic has not yet worked out. Tee hee.

I find the whole “pandemic that never was”  fascinating. Why, it’s almost like the Heavens themselves were watching us all fight the good fight, and just gave us all a little helping hand. I dare anyone to disprove Divine Intervention in this particular situation. God is good, life is great, and the elites can go and crawl back in their snake holes to live just a little bit longer until my King returns to flush them out of their underground bunkers to meet their final end.

O happy day.

Chase Hunter


Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) — The World Health Organization will clarify data on swine flu after media reports of a false pandemic hindered public health measures, India’s Health Secretary K. Sujatha Rao said.

Governments from the U.S. to Germany are curbing purchases of vaccine to fight the new H1N1 virus after cases declined and the first flu pandemic in 41 years appeared milder than initially feared. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe plans to debate the theme “Faked pandemics: a threat to health” at a plenary session in Strasbourg, France, next week.

At the United Nations agency’s executive board meeting in Geneva this week, Rao asked the WHO to explain media reports about a false pandemic, she said yesterday in a statement to India’s Press Information Bureau. Rao also called for greater transparency about terms and conditions on which international vaccine manufacturers were supplying the shots to countries, according to the statement.

“In response to this intervention by India, it was agreed that WHO would formally write to national focal points in all countries clarifying the factual position about the H1N1 pandemic to quell all doubts that had been created,” the statement said.

News reports were “adversely impacting upon the public health measures being undertaken by countries,” Rao said in the statement, without elaborating. Rao and Vineet Chawdhry, a joint secretary at India’s health ministry, weren’t immediately available for comment.

WHO Director-General Margaret Chan acknowledged at the board meeting yesterday the need to support the agency’s member states, WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl said in an interview today.

“For me, the best health news of the previous decade is the fact that the long overdue influenza pandemic has been so moderate in its impact,” Chan told the meeting on Jan. 18. “I believe we would all rather see a moderate pandemic with ample supplies of vaccine than a severe pandemic with inadequate supplies of vaccine.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Jason Gale in Singapore at

Last Updated: January 21, 2010 02:55 EST

Ominous New Local Police Powers Discussed RE: Swine Flu “Pandemic”

Signal flag which when flown in harbor means s...

Image via Wikipedia

A “pandemic response bill” currently making its way through one state legislature would allow authorities to forcefully quarantine citizens in the event of a health emergency, compel health providers to vaccinate citizens, authorize forceful entry into private dwellings and destruction of citizen property and impose fines on citizens for noncompliance.

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Cops jump on swine-flu power: Shots heard ’round the world

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Superb Video Exposes the REAL Story Behind Swine Flu Hoax

[See the original essay I wrote about swine flu in 2009 here.]

Tags: swine flu, CIA’s swine flu, H1N1 flu virus, the flu, pug flu, bird flu, jane burgermiester lawsuit, bird flu 666, fake pandemics, new world order, nwo, bio-terrorism, bioterrorism, bioterror new world order plans exposed

Updated 3.8.2010, Originally Posted on 8.30.2009 By Chase Hunter

horrors-of-swine-flu-yet-to-comeFor the next 8 to 12 weeks the video you see below will remain the stationary front page news for American Patriot Daily and several of my other blogs. The sheer audacity of the new world order planned bio-terrorism population reduction plan, the enormity of the crime being perpetrated upon the American people and the people of the world with the “lab-created for profits” swine flu by Baxter and Novartis defies description, although I  have tried mightily to put my own outrage into words, as have other writers.

Another patriot who has a family to think about recently asked me if I was going to take a swine flu shot, and should she take the shot. My answer was that I would just as soon do 30 days of jail time and spend that time talking to local TV cameras, as to take the sinister NWO profiteer-manufactured $wine flu shot.

I would rather go to jail for 30 days than be one the new world order’s guinea pigs. Each person must make their own decision, but that is my decision. Pray (if you are so inclined, I am) about what you should do and discuss it with your family. My advice of course is to stay out of crowds, don’t let strangers speak in your face, sneeze on you, cough in your face or be in very close proximity, keep your kids away from unknown kids if you can, and everyone wash hands frequently with anti-bacterial soap. Stay home when you can. You save more money that way anyway.

The physician below makes the case for liability and criminal activity as eloquently as Jane Burgermeister or anyone else I have heard speak. I am leaving his video up until November 1st to give everyone who visits a chance to watch it and hear what he has to say. Links will be added as I find them – be sure to do a simple search on this site: swine flu –  and pages and pages of data will come up for you that is packed with links and rlevant videos and research.

Ultimately the way I feel is that our lives are all in God’s hands each day anyway, we  areall  doing the very best we can to stay informed and to inform one another. I will say this much – the dire warnings you see “advertised” in big city newspapers and big media TV – are not to be trusted. They WANT you to BE VERY AFRAID and they WANT YOU to take that swine flu shot.

Only God knows what is actually IN those flu shots. Do the best you can to make a choice you feel is right for you and your family, and for God’s sake: eat well, lay off of excess hard alcohol and cigarettes, which runs down the immune system, get plenty of sleep, and if you are a habitual drug user, chances are, your immune system is already shot, and you are much more likely to get swine flu.

Try to be as smart as you can about your health, and as calm as you can about what we all know. Panic is only going to feed the fear mongering they are doing in the media, and there is way plenty of flu fear mongering going on. I see it in the press daily. Let’s see how this situation plays out in September. I will update this page frequently.

Kindest regards,

Chase Hunter

Superb Video Exposes the REAL Story Behind Swine Flu Hoax