Category: Apostasy & Truth

The Annunaki Vogue in Pop Culture Is Not Accidental, Nor Is It Incidental

Re-posted with Permission:  Copyright 2011-3011 Chase Kyla Hunter & Photonic Portal 2037  All Rights Reserved. All re-posts must leave all content, author, blog name, original URL & copyright intact. Love this news blog? Shop here & support it. Help keep robust citizen journalism alive on the internet.

Is Annunaki Global [Faux] Disclosure Taking Place Right Under Our Noses In Popular New British TV Advertisements?

I am always watching what appears on TV and other media for signs of trending imagery and themes that bear an Illuminati influence. In 2011 I have noted several new themes, among them a new alien / Annunaki style of TV media message. There is a specific “double entendre” [ dual meaning ]  inferred in the first TV advert below, with imagery and subliminal suggestions that are quite vivid. Listen and watch very carefully, then tell me – what do you think the REAL message is in this advert?  It actually has nothing whatsoever to do with the internet. It has very much to do with acclimating the human species to “other” kinds of creatures, far advanced extra-terrestrial creatures who intend to assume some kind of  genetic “Lordship,” or more accurately an “over-lordship” of our species in the near future. Humanity must be warned about underlying motives, reasons, purposes, and intents. That is the reason for this essay.

Is the Alien / Annunaki  “Disclosure” plot actually tied to the rise of the final Son of Perdition?

I have secretly wondered about this question for years. What better or more perfect way to intimidate an entire world population into hushed and reverent submission than to present genetically superior alien beings to them, who claim to be their deep far distant actual “true genetic creator fathers” – the original olden parent species, the source from where the ruling hybrids descended?

Modern people in the 21st century refer to these Annunaki /human hybrids which were descended from the prehistoric biblical fallen Nephilim as the “elites.”  But there is nothing heavenly or holy about these elite dynastic families, trust me. They plague modern humankind like a parasite. They plan our enslavement, they plot our financial demise. They own the currencies that are loaned to the nations. They bring nations to ruin. They live for profit and have no real law but their own greed and avarice. They are not of God. They are the chaff which will be soon separated from God’s good wheat by the angels of the harvest at the end of days.

Humanity has been robbed by these elites, down through the ages, of many urgent and vital facts about our real biological and genetic origins. The “Annunaki story” is being aggressively sold and promoted to mortal men these days as the solution to our current racial and species wide identity crisis. We have been left with a heavily edited and redacted Christian Bible which all good bible scholars well know has many books missing.

The Book of Genesis speaks of “the Anakim” – the word “Anakim” and the word “Annunaki” are very similar. That fact has always struck me as odd and significant.

We are presented with a mere three years from the treasured life of Christ and yet we are expected to accept this document, the Christian Holy Bible,  as the definitive and final “Word of God.”  Any Christian who questions anything written in the Bible is still considered a heretic and a sinner. I both read all that I can get my hands on, and I question everything I read, so that must make me an absolute spiritual untouchable. Yet God knows my heart. I want to know the truth. And there are untold millions and millions of others like me, who are tired of living the pretense of a life, with no knowledge why or for what purpose. We were originally designed by God for a much higher destiny than the lives which we find ourselves living in this tragic day and age. This, my soul knows, is true.

In contrast, mystical texts like The Urantia Bookwhich I have pored over for more than twenty years – presents an elaborate, advanced and sophisticated world and universal spiritual cosmology, a story of our world spiritual history worth learning and remembering. The truth about Adam and Eve, the origins of the actual real Annunaki / Nephilim, and the truthful facts about the Lucifer Rebellion are sobering indeed.

But The Urantia Book text is interlaced with inference that we must all eventually become one uniform racially blended olive skinned people, dissolving our separate national boundaries, living under unified global one world governance. I am opposed to such a government, as I feel that men  are not highly spiritually evolved enough to govern in such a way without enslaving human beings in fascism. History will support me here. Witness North Korea, China, the Pol Pot regime, Hitler, Stalin, witness what the United States of America is now become, under Barack Obama.

These bothersome sections of the Urantia Book make it the perfect document to be smoothly intellectually and spiritually usurped and misused by an ambitious Luciferian one world government to justify it’s intentions, even to prop up a global government figurehead who may pretend to be the returned Christ. Nothing is out of the realm of possibility at this point. I neither censor nor edit my own spiritual musings as I watch the days flow by and the plots unfurl.

I watch. The Holy Spirit speaks to me in the dead of night and I watch. I know what I am watching for. God tells me what to watch for. No mortal man or woman knows how much I already know about what to watch for.  I have not written down or recorded in any way ninety percent of what I am watching for. Only when my Lord tells me, then I may record it. Tonight I am recording this essay with God’s guidance. It suffices for now.

I reject the Annunaki lie that is being told to the world population in TV, film, video and modern philosophy which is soon to be usurped and misused to further enslave the human race. I want my mortal heritage and my human history back. I want my SPIRITUAL history back. I want to know the truth. I want to rush into the arms of my real and only King, the Lord of all Creation, the Son of God who will deliver this species from the world deception of the liar and the lie, once and for all.

I dream of a new Heaven. I long for a new Earth.

This world is still seized with barbarism and is not ready by any remote means to govern it’s species from one unified world administration. I see one world government as a recipe for disaster and a formula for the rise of the final Son of Perdition. My soul knows that we are all living in the era which just precedes the rise of this horrendous counterfeit Christ – the man of sin.

I well know how a one world government will end at this fateful intersection in human history. Presenting Annunaki genetic parents to the human race as some sort of ploy as distraction or to aid and abet the coming man of sin is not going to change that fact one iota. Too much biblical prophecy has already been fulfilled. My soul is on edge because I see fraud and false spiritual glamor everywhere being peddled as truth, and masses of unknowing TV consumers buying it, lock stock and barrel.

The true and actual literal history of the human race has been stolen from us. I can feel it. We are a mixed and generationally warring species, a  mongrel mixed blood race, living in complete historical specie amnesia. Individual persons who have total amnesia can be told anything about who they are, and they will believe it because they have no frame of reference. Likewise, a species who is living in total historical amnesia might be just as vulnerable to sophisticated lies and half truths, as they have no common frame of reference with which to compare what they are being told. Taboo as it is to say it, I must write the words and make the inner thought external: this then, our racial and species wide amnesia about who we are and where we come from, becomes the allegorical moment in human history when “Lucifer’s opportunity” finally comes, to deceive the masses on a world scale.

This is the way in which the man of Sin will enter onto the world stage. He will ride in “peaceably through flatteries” playing upon our deepest hopes and dreams, calling up the far ancient species-wide inner gnawing to know and understand our ancient genetic origins. He will present a lie so sublime, so seamless, so sophisticated and replete, that even  the Elect will possibly be fooled by it. He will supposedly give us the answers to all our deepest and most heartfelt longings AS A SPECIES. This is the turnkey to his world deception.

It will all revolve around the Annunaki legends of old.

Chase Kyla Hunter 8.27.2011

Referenced videos:

Related videos and videos of special interest:

Lady Gaga Nominated for “Great Whore of Babylon” Award By Artopia 444

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

Lady Gaga’s new release sounds so much like a 1980s era Madonna songs: “Like A Prayer” and “Vogue”  it’s practically a “knock off.”

Maybe Lady Gaga is the incarnate Great Whore of Babylon. She fits the biblical description in every way.

Lady Gaga needs to either come out of the closet, and come up with the courage to admit she’s gay, or stop pretending to be gay by including herself in gay culture by “self-nominated association.”


There is nothing I despise more than make-believe gay people. The only reason Lady Gaga is all “out front” for gay marriage rights and other legal issues affecting gays and lesbians is because they fill the stadiums and the cash till for her CD releases. Lady Gaga is not gay, she won’t admit to anything more than “kissing a girl” [big deal ] in interviews, but when she gave her little speech in the link below, she refers to herself via implied semantics as part of American gay culture. Lady Gaga may have claimed gay people as “her people” but I sure as hell don’t claim her. She’s off the charts bizarre, and I think what she does is corrupting to young girls in America, far worse than anything Madonna ever did back in the 80s and 90s. Gaga is a cheap “Madonna knock off” and nothing more. It’s the most tedious thing in the world to have to sit through her “political speeches” where she claims herself as a leader of gay culture. Gaga has never known for a single split second in her multi-million dollar protected elitist world the kind of insults, suffering, presecution and hatred on a day to day basis that ACTUAL gays and lesbians go through. She has NO idea. Her politics have everything to do with keeping those stadiums filled with young gay paying screaming fans. She’s “gay positive politically” for the cash it brings in, and nothing more.


As a lesbian, the ongoing sell job, the “Lady Gaga American big media game show” intrigues me, but not in a good way at all. I see the whole thing [Gaga overkill in big media magazines, TV, Glee’s fawning over Gaga’s new music, the ongoing hype] as an out-picturing of the Illuminati owned media dream to flood Americans with ever increasingly depraved ideas, images, TV shows, music, people, and concepts until the average American no longer is able to discern fundamental good from evil. I’m quite sure that’s the goal of Illuminati owned mass media outlets, and has been forover 40 years now. Everything I observe in TV and pop culture media outlets confirms this theory.

Big Media has now really stepped up the debauchery factor by choosing Lady Gaga as their high priestess of visual disgust. I officially nominate Gaga as the personal incarnation of the Great Whore of Babylon. She fits the bill in every way.

I’ve had several interesting conversations recently with other gay friends about what most straight Americans think that the “gay lifestyle” is all about.It’s widely known that even though Gaga is sexually ambiguous, she enjoys her self-appointed role as “spokes woman” for gays, lesbians, transgendered and bisexual people.

Tragically, most every straight American I have ever met or talked to still mostly carries the typical notion that gay people are all petty, narcissistic, exhibitionists who parade around in next to nothing, watch the most trivial TV and films, talk Hollywood gossip incessantly, that they know more about fashion, make-up and pop culture than mostly anything else.

Why shouldn’t straight America feel this way? That’s been the classic Big Media and Hollywood portrayal of gays and lesbians for as long as I can recall, since way before the years of TV’s “Will and Grace.” Little or nothing is known of the millions of quiet, conservative, hard working, self effacing American gays and lesbians who would just as soon blend into the woodwork of American life, than to stand out.

They feel this way and live like other “normal” people do, for the very reasons that millions of other straight Americans are grossed out by gays!  Conservative gays and lesbians have NO desire to be affiliated with the screaming, parading, near nude, in-your-face Hollywood narcissist liberal versions of their peers that we are constantly being force fed by the media. I actually failed to be able to sit through one entire episode of “Glee” because, like 98% of pop culture TV, it just bored me to tears. I am friends with and know hundreds and hundreds of other gay men and women who feels exactly the way I do. We inwardly groan every time we have to witness yet another mindless episode of “Ellen”, which I also have a hard time sitting through, and we groan every time Lady Gaga comes out with yet another revolting music video where murder is glorified, or some other wickedness that she wallows in is peddled as “high art” to the brainwashed masses.

There is a secret subculture of gays and lesbians who refuse to participate in the present mass media orgy of:  “Don’t you just love those wild naked banal, and self obsessed, narcissistic gays?! Wow –  they sure know how to throw a party! I wanna be just like them!”

I personally cannot get far enough AWAY from that message and that mentality. I might represent about 70 to 80% of how gays actually feel about the way we are represented in the media, but I don’t really know. If anyone has recently done any studies on any of this mass media typecasting of me and my gay / lesbians fellows, I am not aware of it. But I was sick of Lady Gaga and her PR antics a year ago. I am way past sick of having her as a self appointed “mass media representative” for the American gay community.

Lady Gaga is just exactly the kind of bad press and disastrous PR that the American gay community DOES NOT need. It’s no wonder that many Christian fundamentalist still think that gays and lesbians are intrinsticly “demonic.” Lady Gaga, as a self-appointed “spokes person for American gays” is more than just a little bit actually demonic herself. She certainly creeps me out and I have no problem admitting that. Normalcy is sexy. And there is nothing “normal” about Gaga, her stage act, her opinions, her philosophies or her aura, in general. I find the woman more than a little bit on the “intrinsically psychotic” side of the spectrum.

Just between me and “she”, Lady Gag Me is so FIRED. She does not represent anything that I want to be affiliated with as a gay woman, or as a woman, period. I want nothing to do  with whatever it is that she represents, which I am pretty sure is just her own narcissistic self image and the advancing of her personal fortunes and media empire. Empty is as empty does Gaga.

Chase Kyla Hunter 2.10.2011

Glee to Pay Homage to Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way”

January 10th, 2011 12:23 PM by Free Britney

Tags: Lady GaGa, Glee

Move over, Justin Bieber. You’ve got Glee-ful company.

Ryan Murphy, creator of the Fox series, says a future episode will feature a single that hasn’t even been released yet: Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way.”

How will Glee utilize her new song, due out in February (the album of the same name comes out in May)? It’ll involve Kurt’s nemesis, Karofsky.

Lady Gaga Sans Pants

BORN THIS WAY: Glee will devote an entire episode to the song.

“I love that that song is anthem,” says Murphy. “So I don’t really know what [it’s] going to be yet, but … we’re going to do a whole episode that’s about that song.”

While the full version has not yet been heard, Gaga recently dropped her pants (and the release date). The Lady also sang part of it a capella at the MTV VMAs.

Here’s that one verse re-mixed over a Gaga-esque beat …

Lady Gaga – Born This Way (Leaked, Unofficial)

Jack Black: “Who Wants to Pray to the Devil With Me?” 2009 MTV Music Awards

Jack Black in November 2007

Copyright 01.02.2011 Reposted courtesy

I am currently examining satanic and totalitarian imagery in the American music industry. There is nothing hidden or even secretive about the satanic imagery in most pop music videos, especially videos made by Lady Gaga and Beyonce. I am also pretty suspicious of Taylor Swift‘s odd hand signs and some of her garments and poses, but this post will focus on Jack Black, Beyonce and Lady Gaga.

Here’s an example of what I am saying. Nothing is hidden or veiled any longer about the goals and motives of the music industry in America. Jack Black‘s actions at the 2009 MTV Music Awards set a new “low bar” for public behavior, and I am stunned I have not seen more media articles about this.

Veiled as comedy, during the 2009 MTV Music Awards,Jack Black took the stage, raised his arms, flashed the Illuminati Satan sign with both hands, and then shouted out and invited the entire audience to ” pray to the devil” with him. I did NOT find this very funny.

In fact, I found it to be quite disturbing. Indoctrination and dark occult initiation can be hidden by the apparent mindlessness of contemporary entertainment, even in apparent comedy.

In fact, as I study various popular TV sitcoms, I often see re-occurring instances of entertainment and comedy being used as a way to introduce hypnotic occult suggestions, initiation rites, fascist or totalitarian thought forms, and all sorst of other dark and ungodly imagery that is, in fact, on some level, socially engineering  an unsuspecting viewer to think that these kinds of displays are innocent and benign, when they are not.

There is nothing innocent or socially benign about the slow and methodical process of “normalizing” these public displays of satanic hand signs, symbols, occult phrases and images peppered into the mix of pop culture’s music industry. There fact that there is a more or less total absence of public outcry about any of this tells me where we now are in the degradation of American Christian culture and values. We are now headed headlong down the final free-fall into all-out public presentations which are not simply veiled and hidden, they will be open and overt displays of satanic worship, disguised as concerts. Perhaps this is already happening and I just haven’t seen it yet. What I have seen is enough to horrify my soul.

I don’t expect anyone else to believe this, but the following videos which have been noted and posted by other truth researchers suggest that I am not alone in thinking that something is very very wrong, and very very evil deep inside the American Hollywood music and entertainment industry. Here are some of the videos that I studied this evening:

To learn more about the hidden illuminati control and influence in the modern music industry read this article I just wrote 2 weeks ago and updated tonight. When you see images of butterflies in videos, especially of Monarch butterflies, you are seeing Illuminati mind control programmed people acting on their “Monarch” programming. The image below is an example:

In this next image Beyonce is wearing a breastplate emblazoned with a goat’s head image that is practically identical to images of Baphomet, the ancient Goat-head image of Satan:

There are literally countless images of music artists like Beyonce flashing the Illuminati Satanic hand sign, I found this one particularly disgusting because of the way she’s dressed. I perceive Beyonce to be a Satanic priestess, only thinly disguised as a [fake] Christian. When she talks about how involved she has been with the church I get a somewhat nauseous feeling. Beyonce’s music video imagery is literally drenched in satanic symbolism. It’s not hidden at all. It’s right out there, front and center. Here are a few more things I have noted. They are mostly self-explanatory, if you are familiar with occult and Illuminati symbolism.

One of the creepiest things I have had to listen to do write this post is the reversed sound track to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” music video. I would swear that the music in reverse sounds like some sort of demonic incantations or a demonic language.  I did not like the way this made me feel. Take a listen and see what you can decipher from this – [warning graphic]:

Satanic imagery in Lady Gaga music videos:

Tags: illuminati satanic imagery, american music industry, fascism images, totalitarianism, police state, Hollywood, occult symbols in music film video, occult initiation hidden in pop culture

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Why is Sarah Palin so threatening to the NWO elites and the left?

Sarah Palin speaking at a rally in Elon, NC du...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2010-3010 By Chase Kyla Hunter, re-posts permitted leaving content intact.

The national “hate campaign” by the terrified left against the wildly popular Sarah Palin has already begun, even though she has yet to formally declare her candidacy for president in 2012.

I can answer with ease the current question which is on the lips of many media pundits like Laura Ingraham:

“Why is Sarah Palin so threatening to the elites and to left wing liberals?”

Here is the answer:

Sarah Palin is a personal, genetic, and cultural American original. Her family tree is not morbidly connected to the ancient crime cabal of the modern UK Royals, like more than 80% of presidents we have had during my lifetime.

Here’s what Sarah recently said:

“I don’t think the majority of Americans want to put up with the blue-bloods,” Palin — who is considering a run for president in 2012 – said. “With all due respect, because I love the Bushes, the blue-bloods who want to pick and choose their winners instead of allowing competition.”

Sarah Palin, thankfully, is not “genetically connected by blood” [blue blood] to the hidden family dynasties of the New World Order ruling power elites, who usually hand pick the people who will run for president about 2 to 5 years or more ahead of time.

The Bilderberg hidden power structure did not “pick” Sarah Palin as a possible candidate for high office in one of their disgusting secret meetings, the American people did, by virtue of her popularity with many conservative Americans who share her values. Christian Americans who are educated and informed about the Godless globalist UN power structure that manipulates the White House and both political parties get it.

Sarah Palin is a genuine grassroots American populist, a “woman of the people” – not a pre-packaged genetic political commodity which has been “handled,” prepped, and cultivated toward a UN globalist mindset since his or her youth. Her popularity springs from the same well of hope that gave birth to the Tea Party movement, and she, in every way, is an appropriate and timely spokesperson for it.

Her popularity is also indicative of a deep and heartfelt desire in this nation’s informed Christian heartland to actually elect a President, for once, that wasn’t groomed for the role years in advance by elite east coast [ Illuminati financed and controlled ] colleges, “handled” by CIA operatives and Illuminati  CFR intellectuals since they were just a teen.

If America can unite to elect Sarah Palin, should she choose to run in 2012, they can potentially finally break the UN and CFR ruling elite’s hidden hold on the American electoral process, and the country might have a chance in hell of maintaining it’s historical Christian roots and political self governing sovereignty.  We face Biblical prophesied turbulent years ahead. A massive global financial meltdown is coming, and our country is sitting right in the middle of the tsunami’s path.

For all her rough spots which still need polishing, America needs Sarah Palin’s forthrightness, courage, aplomb, and honest public questioning of the corrupt processes which are presently steering this nation off the financial cliff. Our guts are all screaming that we cannot elect yet another Bilderberg “made to order” UN globalist lackey. She’s our best hope, as a woman like her is less corruptible than a woman drenched in the CFR puppet strings like Hillary Clinton.

As for some of Sarah’s most recent public gaffes, I do recall that on the campaign trail in 2008 Barack Obama made public reference to the fact that he had visited “all 57 states” and fell apart completely in speeches when he could not stare at the teleprompter. Big media overlooked all of it, of course, because they were operating under the NWO “pre-elect Obama” directive. They overlooked, they pushed alot of things under the rug, they forgave him, and he won the election.

Whether the young and the clueless liberal pop culture “idolatry society” realize it or not, electing Sarah Palin to the presidency just might represent the last “hail Mary pass” the American voting public can make in opposition to the country being pulled into the emerging NWO global super-state against it’s will.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Sarah Palin Takes Aim at Barbara Bush, Michelle Obama

Sarah Palin Media Roundup: Links, Videos, Posts:

Could Sarah Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha [New York Times]

Sarah Palin Hits George and Barbara Bush as “Elite Blue Bloods” [she’s right, they are!]

WordPress posts that mention Sarah Palin

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Has the True Historical Face of Jesus Finally Been Deciphered?

Today I discovered a remarkable web page. For years I have longed to know what the face of Jesus really looked like, and along the way when I would come across certain likenesses of Him, many seemed to me to be quite fictional, but some always stood out as “actual”. I could never understand how I might know, on some deeper soul level, what the “actual” face of Jesus looked like when He was alive.

It finally occurred to me that Jesus, being the Creator of our local universe [ See Holy Bible and the Urantia Book ] could, of course, upon His own choosing, actually encode the soul of His creation to know the difference between His face, and the face or countenance of an imposter.

That particular “soul encoding” could sure come in handy for American Christians, and other Christians around the world right now, as imposters and false Christs literally abound everywhere. It is playing out just exactly as the Bible prophecies said it would. It’s an amazing, terrible, yet utterly wonderful time to be alive, as every day brings yet another moment when bible prophecy is proven to be true once again.

Anyone who is not reading and studying the Bible [I prefer the King James version] is truly missing out. In the end, it won’t be enough just to ponder the face of Jesus and wonder. True belief in Him, an absolute faith in not only His cosmic reality, but in  His true position in our Universe as the Sovereign Spiritual Lord and King, His authority over the soul and fate of all humankind as God’s Son, His sovereignty and Lordship over all of the local creation, and finally, a clear comprehension of what one must do, both to survive and to thrive as a Christian during these last days, will be necessary to escape what is coming and to find safety in hidden Christian numbers. These hidden enclaves of devout believers in Christ are already forming. They are being shown what is coming, and they are following what the Holy Spirit is instructing them to do.

Giving oneself, one’s life and soul over to Christ’s watchcare and deep spiritual guidance might not be “in vogue” right now in the secular world, but I can guarantee you, it will be soon. The literal soul of humankind is approaching a crisis point, a point where the collective soul of a species cries out to God for salvation and for final understanding of the truth of what has actually taken place on this world. The days will not continue on indefinitely. The days we are living in will come to an end, and a great spiritual change will take place.

One must make a choice. Either you are choosing everyday by your actions [ or inactions ] to come closer to the truth of who is in charge of this creation, or each day you are slipping a little bit closer to the liar and the lie. That’s right. One will literally need to become “born again” letting go of the false, satanicly manipulated” secular world, and step away from it, leaving it all behind. Don’t look back after you make that life changing decision. Look straight ahead and follow what the Holy Spirit tells you to do.

Those who continue to try to “live in both worlds” will eventually suffer the most in the coming years, as they fight within themselves to reconcile the great liar and the lie presented to them via the world mass media “beast system” with what their deep  inner being knows is the real spiritual truth about Jesus and the life he lived here on this earth.

The hour of the call to come to Christ in body, soul, mind and heart is NOW. The days are slipping away, and the days will not go on forever. That is why these days are referred to in the bible as the “last days.” Listen to what the Holy Spirit is asking you to do in your life, and then do it. Be obedient to those inner urgings of the Spirit. They are trying to tell you something. You won’t be alone. Millions in America are answering the call of the Holy Spirit, and the more who answer, the greater the chance we all will have to make sure that America remains a sovereign land, ruled by WE THE PEOPLE, and not a part of the world apostasy which is fast approaching.

 My soul implores the reader to listen to your own deeper spiritual gut, and take action in your life to make the changes, that you know you need to make. The window is closing. Only God knows how long we will have a free America that is not imprisoned under martial law. if the Federal Reserve powers that be actually commit the final financial crime, and allow the us dollar to fail, then all bets are off. We could be under martial law by spring or summer of 2011, unable to travel freely, unable to locate certain necessities that everyone needs to live, forced to take whatever is handed out, herded around at gunpoint.

This is not fear mongering. This is reading the handwriting on the wall. And the handwriting on the wall is now everywhere in America.

Chase Kyla Hunter